Saturday, May 24, 2008

I stayed in Cathcart last night. My first stop was at the Country Club. (Ask the locals - theory)
I bought one coke and then had people buying me drinks for the rest of the night. It's a typical small town. Everyone knows everyone. The barman went to the same school as I did on the Bluff. I was invited to stay at a few places and the camper van was a big hit.
Brad, a quail egg farmer gave me a bottle of pickled quail eggs.

I went to mass at this little church this morning there were 5 congregants, 2 of them being German Nuns from an order I have not heard of. The church was built in 1856. I then drove 50 km on a dirt road to Hogsback and went to a few waterfalls before settling into my cottage for the night. I came across a dam where the mountains were reflected in the water so took a few snaps. Supper will be served at 7 pm and then I will soak in a HOT bath. It gets chilly here when the sun goes down.
The direction board shows Seymour........... I chuckled as I usually drive to "See More"

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